Sunday, April 29, 2007

I don't know Jack!

3 easy steps to change a tire:

1. Remember which key opens the spare wheel container at the back of the car - check!
2. Remember where the jack is kept - check!
3. Actually have a jack where the jack should be - uh uh...

I have no idea how I lost the jack of my car. Heck, I can't even say if I had one in the first place. The only thing I remember my car dealer giving me is a handlebar lock. No jack.

After the incident, I was told (repeatedly) that I am the only driver who doesn't have a jack. So much so that I succumbed to pressure and went to Greenbelt 1 and promptly purchased one from Blade. Sale at P799. Red color...nice.Comes in a plasticky gray container thing. Very zen. Apparently, it might even be able to lift my car, which is a tad heavier than a regular sedan.

Next step? I'm working up enough enthusiasm to actually take the jack out of its plastic compartment and figure out how to use it. Hopefully in my garage, with my dad looking on proudly, and not in some desolate street in the middle of the night.

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