Monday, January 29, 2007

First time...ulit?

(or, When was the last time you did something for the first time? Part 2)

An update on my list of 'firsts'....

i watched an opera, specifically,Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin which, I learned later on, is based on Alexandr Pushkin's novel of the same name. first act. i watched and listened and ended up mostly puzzled. during the intermission, i wondered out loud what the hell that was all about. i was handed a program and realized that the songs were in russian! according to wikipedia, the opera is also episodic, in that it chose to show only highlights of Eugene's life and not a continuous story. apparently Pushkin's novel was so well known that Tchaikovsky assumed that the audience would just fill in any missing detail. so that's why i didn't understand a thing! note to self: before watching an opera, research! also, accost english lit teacher during upcoming high school reunion for gaps in my education. i never knew that "eugene onegin", "pushkin" and "well-known" could be uttered in the same breath.

i got a flat tire. 2 years and 9 months. that's how long i've driven my car without incident. and then one day, rather than go home immediately as it was already 1am, i decided that i must absolutely buy gas from the Caltex station along boni avenue. which turned out to be a good thing because there i learned that my front tire (driver's side) was flat. kudos to the gasoline boys there who helped me change my tire :)

hair color, anyone?
in showbiz-speak...i'd like to thank sherwin of studio 546 for the streaks (er highlights?) on my hair. but mostly for persuading me that looking like the guy from hellraiser for a few minutes is a good trade-off for nicer-looking hair.

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